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Telegram Bot Framework for creating any bots

Created By Arash Abedi

Send Document To Client

# sendDocument(array $params)

You can send document to your client by calling sendDocument() method.
You can pass parameters in array to this method

see sendDocument parameters on telegram doc

# examples

# Send document to current chat (user/channel/group)

for sending document to current chat, is not necessary to pass chat_id in sendDocument parameters. It fill automatically by Bot class


namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Modules\ExampleModule;

class MessageHandler{

    public function run(){
            bot()->sendDocument(['document'=>'file_id or file_download_link']); //send document to current chat

# Send document to specific chat (user/channel/group)

for sending document to specific chat you can pass chat_id in sendDocument parameters


namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Modules\ExampleModule;

class MessageHandler{

    public function run(){
            bot()->sendDocument(['chat_id'=>'785698365','document'=>'file_id or file_download_link']); //send document to specific chat by chat_id